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Despite my insane character of procastination, I am 85% of a planner and 15% spontaneous – so i usually think about almost every aspect of my life before i take action, from simple things like an outfit for a 2 months in advance event, what i share on social media, to serious issues like finances, …
Speaking of archives, I should applaud myself for the keeper that I am. It’s been over a year since I hit the publish button on my first post, and I must say it has been a fulfilling experience so far. My courage to start this blog came with a few treats from some people in …
Can you believe September  is already here Loves. Should that call for a Yaaaay or Naaaayy? August was a confusing month for me, by that I mean I can’t say it was completely amazing neither can I say it was horrific – but am alive and healthy. What more can one ask for? Ooooohh wait…..let …