While we excitedly anticipated adulthood as kids, we were never cautioned about the loss we will experience as we maneuver this ghetto hood. From loss of loved ones, to the loss of the dreams we were so positive about, the loss of friends and so much more. Okay, I will speak for myself and say …
Well……Hello there loves. It’s been a hot minute and I am somewhat embarassed to be typing this. However, we are here and if you have followed my socials for a while you know this space is my first baby and will always be home so welcome or welcome back. So much has changed over here …
Hello there my loves, Hope you are kicking those annual goals you set at the beginning of the year or maybe trying to. Just thought I would come on here and talk more about wellness, a passion of mine that is continuously growing by the day because guys, I desire to live well and I …
Njagala nga Bwendi Bebi! Translates……. “Love me as I am Baby”. …………………………………………………………….. I have not written in a long time about anything and recently I have been questioning myself if I am really a writer? And the honest answer is NO. But do I enjoy jotting down my thoughts once in a while? YES. So …
Hello there Loves, I am hoping you are well, doing your best to stay safe and praying during this trying time. I believe this is our version of war and I pray that we get through this and come out as the best version of ourselves. As we stay home let’s use this time to …