“A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.” – Diane Mariechild
With all the development and change in the world today one might think the hurdles of being a woman are subsidizing by the day and yet it only keeps getting worse so I SALUTE YOU FOR BEING A WOMAN!
Judgement is an aspect of life you have to bare with every single day of your life.
Your path in life is already in default mode by society and you are given the side eye once you choose to change the cards and play your path different from the expected.
You are too opinionated if you are knowledgable and an easy shot if you decide to shut your mouth.
Your standard of beauty is set and changed by society every other day and yet God created you a unique piece of art.
You are expected to down play your ambition, knowledge, talent just so you fit society’s ultimate definition of a woman.
Second place is society’s chosen “first” position for you yet you aspire to be in the actual first place.
You are expected to give but not to be given, lucky enough selfless defines you. But it would be nice to be on the receiving end sometimes.
You are meant to aim high but not high enough!
You are expected to excel but not too much!
You are allowed to dream but not too big and loud!
You can have ambition but not too much!
You are expected to know but not speak until asked to do so!
But against this never ending storm you have managed to make it through with grace and natured the same society that has been so harsh on you every single day and that’s when one wonders how you can cope with all these hurdles and more – but you do simply because you are a WOMAN!!
And you deserve to be celebrated every single day of the year and today should just be the peak of the festivities.
So listen soldier, you can and should dream as big and loud as you desire as nothing is too big for God and know that you can be whatever you aspire to be in life!
“If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.”– Katharine Hepburn
Happy Women’s Day to you my fellow soldiers!!
Stay Fab