Hello Loves, Have you ever wondered and questioned why sometimes your dreams take longer to become a reality? Why that bank balance is not moving towards the ideal balance you desire? You can blame others, circumstances or fate for your lack of success but it might actually be you that is sabotaging your own …
Hey Loves, So i started Talk Tuesdays on the blog, but today i will ask you to excuse me and i officially introduce my YouTube Channel ItsMaya Bee. As most of you might know i have been on a rant for a good DSLR camera which i have not got yet so i decided to …
Happy New Month Loves, The year is almost ending – more than half of it already, can you believe it? I am not sure if i should look forward to my birthday this year (looks like age is catching up LOL). Anyway this month has been great, with some few lows of course but …
Hello Lovelies So last Saturday I had the pleasure of attending the Paple Rayn second anniversary party at the Madhvani glass hall UMA Lugogo . I was lucky enough to get a press pass as a blogger so I didn’t get to pay for a ticket (Yaaayy – I told you I like a …