I think there are two types of Muslim girls, those that like their scarves / veils small and extremely neat and those who like theirs big, thick and a little unruly. I am definitely down for the latter.
I hope y’all still remember your new year’s resolutions and are keeping up with them because time isn’t our best ally – I mean its February already! During a conversation with a friend recently she said to me“Maya i don’t know about you but January was a trial month for me, my 2016 starts on …
Yellow has never been my color but there’s something about this yellow – or should i call it mustard? (Oops look who’s not good with colors) but let’s go with whatever catches your eye – yellow, mustard or even yellotard LOL. So have you ever hit a thrift jackpot? I feel like i am lucky …
I am not an over sized tee kinda girl but i am definitely a fitting tee kinda chic with a major obsession with slits and No – i did not leave them in 2015, and neither will i leave them in 2016. So waking up and wearing my long sleeved white tee and a slited …
This being my first tag by one of my fellow bloggers Eleanor of aboutseptember.com, its quite exciting for me as it’s giving you my readers a deeper insight about Maya and of course something different from the usual posts you see every time – so yes to more tag posts right? I think so too.