Time Check – 00:17 Hrs
I am having mixed feelings about how fast time is flying, on the up side I am ecstatic seeing my son grow every other day / week / month that passes by. However the downside is I haven’t hit all my set goals for this time of the year but nevertheless I am still working towards them #TeamNotGiveUp. I don’t remember time flying this fast when I was younger, do you?
Next to Ehan in bed, watching him sleep while I get this post ready and I must say Alhamdulilah (Thanks be to God), it’s well with my soul.
To the strange sounds of the breast pump. Talk about major multitasking- I am your girl.
On some cold green tea, not the fanciest taste though.
Chapatti which I know I must stay away from but tomorrow will be the last day and I will be on a chapatti cleanse.
“Who was Muhammad Ali?” By James Buckley Jr. Indeed acquiring knowledge is a never ending process and reading is something we should indulge in once in a while. Was it just me that thought Muhammad Ali was born Muslim? No? But I am happy to know he was born Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr.
Nothing at the moment because I need to get me a new player although my TV time is quite minimal these days.
On sleeping in tomorrow morning till about 8:30am (hoping my little Bossman lets me) had such a long productive day today, I could use a slight break.
To take care of myself more. I must admit I almost lost myself postpartum as I buried myself in Ehan activity only (which isn’t a bad thing) and I was a bit hesitant to accept help but then I know the best version of Maya will make the best mommy to Ehan so I intend to revive the best version of me. Firstly will be by hitting the gym (gotta tone dem thighs and butt) and being consistent – how do people fall in love with working out? I need to know because I want to be like those people.
Quite helpless after Ehan fell the other day. If only we would just skip this part and get to walking ready although I know it’s part of the process. These are milestones to celebrate but seeing my baby boy with bruises makes me sad.
My super cute one piece swimsuit and cover up from Zaful. Hadn’t been to the pool in such a long time and these two pieces carried me all the way today. If you are one who doesn’t like to show everything off, these a perfect- full details will be up on the blog next week.
To be more consistent with my posts and YT videos ( I know I have said this before but I am devising better strategies to help me keep up). I intend to be all up in your faces guys so please be sure to Subscribe on the blog Here and on my YouTube channel Here.
Of incorporating more mama-hood content on the blog – sharing my experiences, thought and ideas, as well as seeking help where need arises. Remember “it take a village to raise a child”.
Lots of off shoulder tops lately (especially this specific printed one) had to tailor three more like this with plain colored fabric, I just can’t get enough.
To see another bundle of joy that came into this world yesterday. Looks like all Ehan’s future playmates are girls, I am already worried about their hair coz Boiiii – Ehan’s got such a strong grip.
As to why my son has rejected all types of formula I have tried. He’s been exclusively breastfed which I am glad I did but being the type of person who likes to have a plan B, I would like to have a feeding Plan B in case the breast milk runs out while I am away. Has any of you guys experienced this? What did you do?
Not looking forward to:
Resuming school. After about seven months of switching school mode off, I have to get back soon – 4 modules to go. I am really not looking forward to spending my weekends at school again.
Of my consistence the past couple of weeks, posting every Tuesday and Thursday on the blog and YouTube channel respectively. I have always known consistence is key but sometimes I slack (just like any other human) – therefore once I make progress I like to give myself a pat on the back. However today is meant to be YouTube day but I decided it’s been a minute since the last taking Stock series and decided to catch up with you guys but be sure to check out my latest video HERE.
On the people’s underestimation of me and I must say I am loving it. Usually people label others and underestimate their potential, if that happens to you – let that be your motivation and your actions will do the talking.
That to win in anything you do, all you have to do is Be You. Be consistent. Be consistent!
Time Check : 01:40 Hrs Cutting this post short because your girl has to catch some sleep but first let me feed “our” son
For life and you guys, I appreciate all the love and support
Be sure to add me on Instagram @itsmayabee and Snap Chat itsmayabee_11
To an amazing August!
Stay Fab