For me, clothes are a form of expression, telling a story without uttering a single word – I dress up according my mood and black is a happy color on my world. I could tell you so many tales attached to all my favorite outfits as I attach memories to my clothes, is that strange? …
I think it’s safe to say Happy New Year again after we have finally come to the end of Jan-Worry. Hope y’all are doing great and ready to enjoy this month of Love. Feeling: Extremely sleepy and the only place I would to love to be right now is my bed. But a girl’s gotta …
versatility vəːsəˈtɪlɪti/ noun 1 ability to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities.”a writer of remarkable versatility” Let’s talk Versatile wardrobe and you can call me the versatility preacher. As females our wardrobes go through various changes throughout the course of our lives due to a ton of reasons – firstly a …
Amidst the never ending Jan-Worry, I am here today to give you lovelies something to lighten your January worries. If you are in the Back to School mode, this is definitely for you. I mean, who doesn’t like a good deal? And if it comes with free goodies – I am sold. As a mother, …
Again…..Happy New Year Lovelies! Feels like 6 months since I was last here. Hope y’all are surviving these 40 something days of December LOL. Today, lets talk body insecurities. What’s that one part of your body that you look at and feel like if it were different you would look more BOMB than you already …