Everyone has those items they get obsessed with for some time, could be a day, a week, months or even years. I once mentioned that I wanted to keep “ItsMayaBee”as Maya as it can possible with the aim of giving you more insight about me, so I decided to share with you my favorite items …
Do you ever feel like you can manage everything life throws at you especially because you are a female and we females make milkshakes when life throws us lemons LOL. You even give yourself those little pep talks like “Come on by the time I can bleed for days and still get on with life, …
I decided to stop ranting about how time flies because it’s ridiculous and I just gotta live with the fact that I am getting older LOL, i love to think about it in the sense of aging like fine wine, so i am struggling for exactly that. Which reminds me of a comment made by …
One can’t speak of wardrobe basics and staples and doesn’t mention a plain t- shirt, I have always been such a fan of tees and my obsession has escalated in the past months mainly because of my busy schedule which needs more comfortable fits that I can style easily and burst my ass freely while …
Nothing makes me giggle and blush at the same time like finding a piece i love in someone’s closet and when they notice it has left me in awe they go ahead and say, “you know what is mine is yours, you can have whatever you want”. If you don’t call that person best friend, …