Ever wondered what’s in a woman’s huge bag? This is a question that has left most men and a few ladies (and i mean very few) puzzled over the years. And the answer to that famous question is “You will never get it”, only us ladies know why we carry two different sanitizers and …
Ever sat down and thought how many different ways you can wear a blazer? So many right? So when I say a blazer is one of my wardrobe staples – don’t think twice, just invest in one or five yourself. So I realized it’s been a minute since I got my hijab look on and …
Well Hello there Loves. Happy New Year. Hope y’all doing great and had a fab December like i did – December is such a busy month with too much to do everyday which means less sleep and eye bags for most of he days. This was my December story guys and for the first time …
Midnight (00.00 hours) of 1st January 2015 got me tired and jet lagged from a short holiday i had taken with part of my family, and this is when i set a few of my new years resolutions. PS: I don’t overwhelm myself with endless resolutions as we all know how that usually ends. So …