I appreciate the modesty that comes along with Hijab and despite the recent shameful happenings in the world which have come along with associating everyone Muslim or not dressed in Hijab with terror, it still puts a wide grin of pride on my face when i see my sisters out there all scarfed up. I …
Weeks into the last month of the year but i gotta squeeze in the last taking stock post of the great 2016! I must say this year has been quite challenging while filled with blessings at the same time. So many challenges which made my life such an emotional roller coaster sometimes but i will …
A growing bump comes along with a few or major wardrobe changes for most women if not all of us. The growing bump won’t let you enjoy your all time fave pieces unless you are a fan of stretchy / spandex pieces like myself. I haven’t had to change my wardrobe during the last couple …
My birthday came with big news for you lovelies and one week of relaxing and pampering for me. I literally wish everyday was my birthday but a girl’s gotta snap back to reality and back to the real world. For majority of us women pregnancy comes along with weight gain which is a struggle one …