Thought the three quarter pants were out of style? No so fast Mami😆 we are still rocking these old school three quarter pants (capris) and I am almost tempted to call these a wardrobe staple however I am yet to be fully convinced, however I am loving these specific three quarter pants.A quick one guys! …
Who has missed to see the trending Leaf print bikini and Tribal print swimsuit? This is one trend not to miss guys. I haven’t been to the pool in such a long time and the extreme changes on my body (read major stretch marks like you have never seen before and more inches on the stomach) made it …
Time Check – 00:17 Hrs I am having mixed feelings about how fast time is flying, on the up side I am ecstatic seeing my son grow every other day / week / month that passes by. However the downside is I haven’t hit all my set goals for this time of the year but …
Takes a look at some strange looking skirt – (Long Pause) Thinks to self – Ooh Wow! How the hell does one wear such a crappy looking skirt? (But holds onto it for some reason) Looks like deep down something knew it would come in handy concealing my postpartum stubborn tummy🙂. Years Later : My …
Even before I ever dreamt of being pregnant, one thing I knew for sure is once It happened I wanted to exclusively breastfeed my baby for at least the first couple of months – no formula, nothing but breast milk and I am proud to say six months in and we are still going strong. …